November 19, 2007

Almost Thanksgiving...already thankful

I've had a busy busy busy last few weeks. Today, I got a lot done and it felt good. Within 4 hours I worked out, went to practicum, got my hair trimmed, and ran to the mall. JP and I have been tithing as much as we can, and whatever we can. Although it's not much, everytime I put that check in the offering plate I think, "There goes breakfast for the week." or "Man, no more coffee dates." I've learned two things: 1. God is fatifhul 2. When we are glad to give.
The moment I began to gladly place my check in offering, I realized that God will take care of me. Money has been really tight the last few weeks. Then stuff came up with my car, which is going to cost more than expected, and more than I can afford. I had saved some money to get a haircut but at the same time, I ripped two pairs of jeans in the last few weeks and had none and knew that I had to splurge on those at some point. I knew I couldn't have both so I went for a haircut today, leaving the necessity for jeans til another week. As I sat waiting to get my haircut, an old man began to talk to me. At first I was kind of annoyed because sometimes I'm no in the mood to be social, but he was so sweet. He asked me about my engagement ring and where I went to school. Before I knew it he was in and out of the grooming chair and paying for his haircut. He gave a hearty "have a good Thanksgiving, sweetheart," to me before leaving and walked out the door. As my hair stylist called me for my turn she looked at me and said, "You know he just paid for your haircut?" I had no idea. I wanted to cry. He was out the door and gone without a chance for me to thank him....what I believe his intention was exactly. The woman said he told her that he knew I was a college student, and felt our kind needed a blessing every now and then. He had no idea what I had been going through with money and circumstances, but God did. That man made my day and maybe doesn't know how thankful I am, but he did more than bless me....he made me realize that when we give to God, we can trust that He will always provide...even when we don't deserve it.

1 comment:

sharonie said...

AHHH that brought tears to my eyes. (not pregnacy tears either) What a sweet little man. I love when the Lord gives us reassuring touches of himself and reminds us we are not forgotten and he remains faithful. Through out my marriage stuff, beause I was following God, he remained faithful and when I doubted or needed reassurance he would somehow let me know he was still there working on my behalf and behinds the scene making all things work together!

Keep these moments in mind and next time you are stressed or overhwhelmed with finances, know that the Lord hasn't forgotten you and will provide. I will continuet to pray for you and JP as you endure on this new road of marriage together and pray that God would show up and remain faithful as you two are faithful to him.