You are finally home. You are sitting in YOUR chair, wearing YOUR clothes, eating YOUR food. I love that home feels like home again. The transition hasn't been a piece of cake for you. Maneuvering around the kitchen with your walker has become an annoyance to you, the chair in the shower isn't ideal, and having me and mom follow steps behind you like stalkers can be smothering...however, you are home!!! The smile on your face has returned, the jig in your step (or shuffle) is more noticeable, and the sneaky crinkling of a bag of chips can be heard again. ahhhhhh....did this house miss you.
You and I spent all morning making phone calls to doctors, insurance companies, and the rehab center. I'm thinking we could run a telemarketing business rather well. Later, I found you crawling on the floor doing your exercises (and was impressed by your initiative). It has truly been a unique and eventful morning back home.
When we finally sat down together to relax, I began to share about all of the amazing blessings God has given our family during this time. I mentioned this story:
As I was on my run yesterday, I turned off my headphones and began to have a conversation with God. It began with my asking him why someone so faithful to Him could be going through so much financially, physically, and emotionally. I begged him to bestow some blessings on the situation and on you for all you are going through. I prayed for the house to sell, for your healing, and for strengthened spirits and favor. Then I got silent. So many things began to flood my mind- financial support from others, acts of kindness from those around us, your ability to walk again, and the strength of our family. I realized that He HAS supported us, given us favor, and blessed us.
You said simply this: "I have been blessed beyond what I deserve or had to give.
Don’t let Satan rob you of the reminders of how good God has been.
I also heard you on the phone with a friend (I wasn't eavesdropping!). You mentioned that you couldn't imagine walking through this without the support you have been given from family and friends, but also without the hope of Jesus Christ. I see it shining through you as you gain your strength and I am thankful you remind me to be aware of the blessings God has given us. It truly reminds me of the song "Blessings" by Laura Story:
"Cause what if your blessings come through raindrops
What if Your healing comes through tears
What if a thousand sleepless nights are what it takes to know You're near
What if trials of this life are Your mercies in disguise"
Amen, Dad.