February 20, 2008

Give A Lil' Bit

I learned a little lesson today. As Jp and I sat in church service tonight, the offering bucket came by. I thought to myself, "I just tithed on Sunday and all I have is $5 cash right now...I'm gonna need that." This thought came only hours after I had shared with my Dad about how faithful God has been to me. So I thought and thought about how $5 to a college student is a lot of money sometimes so I watched the bucket go by. Just as I was ready to pass it, I watched JP search through his wallet. He looked disappointed that he had no cash. Then I saw him pull out his "lucky dollar," which he always keeps on hand in case he suddenly needs a buck or two. He pulled it out and put the crinkled 1oo cents into the bin. I have never felt more like a child who had been smacked on the hand with a motherly "shame on you" immediately following. Even though it was only a dollar, it was all that he could give and he gave it. He is so passionate about giving that he wanted to do all he can. My $5 could have gone a long way with Christ, and wouldn't have left me starving even if it was all I had. Give when you can, all you can, and he will provide. Learned it the hard way........

1 comment:

Bethany Patrice said...

i remember when dad gave me a tithe check to put in the offering one night, and i knew we could barely afford to feed our family. i learned a tremendous lesson that day...