December 10, 2007

Ice, Ice Baby

No, I'm not rapping to the old hit by Vanilla Ice himself, rather I'm starring out my window at work and all I see is exactly! I'm back at school, finally! I never thought I'd be so happy to be back. Reason for my joyful return is that JP and I spent 9 hours at O'Hare airport yesterday. We were coming home from Mammer's funeral and what should have been a quick day of travel turned into a day know where. Twenty minutes before our 11 am flight was supposed to board, we got a phone call from the airlines saying all flights to Springfield were cancelled until 6:30pm. We had no choice but to wait. I tried to sleep but something about being in a crowded place with uncomfortable seats surrounded by wierd people, didn't lull me into dreamland. At one point JP and I even saw a woman start feeding her baby, which wasn't so much a baby as a walking, talking toddler, in the middle of an overly-populated terminal. There was no blanket to conceal her womanhood...she just brought it out. I think JP was scarred for life. There was no ounce of jealousy in me...haha! We tried to make the best of the day. We played cards, walked around, ate, and watched some football, but all in all, the day was so so so long! Jp was such a comfort. I didn't feel well because my once a month friend came to visit, I had a sinus infection and my stomach was acting up, but he just tickled my arm, kissed my forehead and held me all day. He even ran out and bought $10 worth of any medicine he thought would help me and a pack of $5 playing cards that I could whip him in Speed with. This is why I love this man. I know I'm ready to say, "For better or for worse." Even in my worst moments, he stands right by me.
I am so glad to be back on solid ground though...OUT of the busiest airport in the world!

1 comment:

sharonie said...

i hate the feeling of being stranded and helpless in an airport...we had that problem when we went to Mexico...glad you flight was a direct flight so you didn't miss any other flights. Make sure you have a direct flight for your honeymoon too!