November 11, 2009
November 8, 2009
Friday- spent the night at my grandparents. Got my grandma her Steak and Shake strawberry shake (we have that love in common). My cousins and aunt and uncle were there as well. God has obviously placed me at the school in Schaumburg at the right time. I'm able to stop and spend time with family, with absolute convenience. Grandma and I watched "The Proposal." I love hearing her laugh.
Saturday- Grandma and I made homemade Cavatelli (gnoochi). It was rather easy, yet time consuming. I very much appreciated my grandma taking her time and energy to do this with me. I have a high appreciation for those who used to homemake their own pasta, like my Grandma. Grandpa slept most of my visit. He sleeps a lot right now. Although this makes me sad, I know it's better to be asleep than to constantly struggle with his pain.
Later on Saturday, I went for a beautiful run in the nature center. It was great to clear my head! Then I went to a movie with my mom and mother-in-law. It's a blessing that these two enjoy each other's company and we have JP and I in common. The movie, "Couples' Retreat," was not so great.
Sunday- today's agenda included sleeping in, runnning with my sister, grocery shopping, and working on report cards.
This has been a ME weekend. Is that a terrible thing?
November 5, 2009
Taste of Heaven
I pray the Lord opens doors for me to introduce you to this amazing God. You introduced me to tastes of Italy,now I pray that I can plant the seed that gives you a taste(and promise) of an eternity in heaven!
your Precious
October 30, 2009
I can get through my day just thinking about cuddling up with a movie, hot cocoa, a blanket, and JP.
It sounds like the perfect way to make me feel better when I'm under the weather.
October 28, 2009
Only time will tell
Not more than 10 minutes later, he and I discussed my job situation. I proceeded to honestly tell him I'm not sure what will happen in two weeks when I hand my classroom back to the lead teacher. He could sense the worry (and fear) in my eyes. He said, " worries. Right?" Although he went on to reassure me further, discussing housing options with him, and sharing his pride in my hard work, that phrase, "no worries, right?" followed me all night. He was right. I had just shared a devotion on taking things one day at a time, and fear not being from God, and here, that's how I have been operating. I'm glad, my Grandpa, who I am trying to lead to Christ, led me back to these reminders, and this truth, with that 3 word phrase, "no worries, right?"
October 21, 2009
October 12, 2009
Hang it up

I spent this Columbus Day discovering the bottom of my closet. I wish I could say that it was merely scratching an itch to clean, but fact is, it was my husband's complaining about the slow creeping of my clothes into the 1/8 of the closet he has left. (that and the several times my closet has literally torn the bolts out of the wall). After 3 hours of sifting and sweating through sweaters, shirts, slacks, and shoes, I managed to organize the mess.
While in the process I had trouble throwing out and sorting those things that I truly do not wear. There are so many things that I have saved, but forgotten why: bridesmaid dresses I will never wear again, purses that I have never used, shirts that I don't remember buying, and old letters from junior high friends.
I'm thinking it's about time to get rid of some of these miscellaneous items, if I can't recall why I still save them. So, my one beautiful sister who threw my bridesmaid dress out, won't mind if I decide to get rid of hers after 5 years, right?
What crazy thing have you found amongst your possessions, that you have been saving but can't remember its significance?
October 7, 2009
Why Hello There

It's been a while. I've missed you so. I love using this spot to blurb, blowup, talk about a blowout, or share blessings. I've experienced all of the above during my blog sabbatical, but with not wanting to relive some of the not so wonderful moments, I'll just keep it short, sweet, and relative to today.
I'm enjoying fall, the changes both in weather and in my life, and cannot wait to see New Moon! (so random).
This pictures sums up the happenings during the absence from the world of blogging: crazy, inconsistent, exciting, and all worth the while!

September 8, 2009
More magic
I had to include this one! I just found it and can't wait to try it!
Crock Pot Weight Watchers Recipes - Pork Tenderloin in the Slow Cooker
Weight Watchers points: 4 per serving.
1.50 pound pork tenderloin
1 ounce envelope dry onion soup mix
1 cup water
3/4 cup red wine
3 tablespoons minced garlic
3 tablespoons soy sauce
freshly ground black pepper to taste
How to prepare the Tenderloin in the Slow Cooker:
Place pork tenderloin in a slow cooker with the contents of the soup packet.
Pour water, wine, and soy sauce over the top, turning the pork to coat.
Carefully spread garlic over the pork, leaving as much on top of the roast during cooking as possible.
Sprinkle with pepper, cover, and cook on low setting for 4 hours.
Serve with cooking liquid on the side.
Crockpot Magic
Weight Watchers Glorified Crock Pot Pork Chops
1 medium onion (chopped)
1 1/2 pounds pork chops
1/4 cup water
1 can cream of celery soup
pepper to taste
Put pork chops in bottom of crock pot, onions on top of chops, pour can of celery soup over onions, pour 1/4 cup water over all. Cook for 8 hours on low, or 4 on high. It falls apart. SO GOOD! (and I believe it makes 6 servings and is about 5 points per serving)
August 19, 2009
Color My World
Needless to say, after hours of perfecting color tones....these are the products (original art, that I will never produce or attempt again).

August 4, 2009
long time no see
Thought I would give a photo diary of some of the summer's events.

July 14, 2009
shopping list
-loose powder
- feminine products
-eye makeup remover
Although I can live without these....I can't!
July 7, 2009
350 degrees
I tried a new one today. I lightly breaded chicken breasts, baked them, and then laid them on top of a bed of spaghetti squash topped with spaghetti sauce. It was delicious and as you can guess, an alternative to chicken Parmesan.
On another note, a cute recipe I was given by a family friend is now going down as the most practical and easy in my cookbook...............
Roast Beef
1 Large Roast of Beef
1 Small Roast of Beef
*Place both Roasts in the oven. When the small roast burns, the large roast is finished. Easy enough
July 3, 2009
Singing a Song
"There is hope for me yet
Because God won’t forget
All the plans he’s made for me
I have to wait and see
He’s not finished with me yet"
(Brandon Heath)
June 27, 2009
Little Quips
"Keep the cave clean. They want the cave clean and spotless, air-conditioned if possible. Sharpen his spear and stick it in his hand when he goes out in the morning to spear that bear.
And when the bear chases him, console him when he comes home at night. Tell him what a big man he is. Then....hide his spear so he doesn't trip over it and stab himself in the morning."
Thought this was a cute story. Thank you Mrs. Ross!
June 25, 2009
Random Thoughts
-Michael Jackson is dead? Maybe I should have done more pushing to do Thriller at our wedding! I think he looks more like Minnie Mouse than Mickey Mouse.
-When will our furniture get here?
-Was I supposed to put diced onions in the meatloaf?
-Farah Fawcett was in "Man of the house", right? What other movies was she known for?
-How hot is too hot to take a run?
-Can you defrost frozen potatoes? Can you even freeze potatoes?
-Is it normal to finish an entire bag of Goldfish by yourself?
-How long can I leave that spider web hanging? Which will happen first: I will clean it up or JP will clean it up?
-What other home accessories do I need?
-Can people notice minor wedgies when I work out? Should I pick it?
-Am I weird or are these types of thoughts.....normal?
June 2, 2009
Meet the Mouse

While cooking dinner tonight my husband came home and informed me that we have a visitor. I wish this were a visitor I could "intentionally" cook a homemade meal for....unfortunately, this visitor was unwelcomed, furry, and the one who enjoys my leftover cooking crumbs unseen by my obsessive eye. Yes, we have a little Ralph S. Mouse.
While sitting on his porcelain throne this morning, JP apparently saw the rodent run across our bathroom floor. Although he claims he didn't even flinch, I can imagine any man caught off guard during their morning meeting in the "John", would jump on top of their glass chair to finish their business at a later moment.
Needless to say, I did much EXTRA cleaning tonight. I swifter, washed, and vacuumed all of the floors...and left the bathroom to my brave husband, (who should thank me for the extra time I've now awarded him in the throne room while he cleans). We put out a trap tonight and I have been tiptoeing around hoping that I will not have a run in with this visitor, nor his droppings. I am waiting anxiously, like a woman in labor, to hear the snap of the metal contraption that will send him to meet his maker. HERE'S HOPIN!
May 12, 2009
My husband has been wonderful. He picked up my prescription and the fulfilled the craving I had for Jamba Juice. What a man! He even did the laundry and cleaned the kitchen. I should be sick more often!
On the other hand, it's so hard to be out of school. There's so much I know needs to get done and hate leaving it to someone else. I guess it's a good thing...I gotta let go every now and then!
May 5, 2009
Enough Said
"Enjoy what you have rather than desiring what you don't have. Just dreaming about nice things is meaningless; like chasing after the wind." Ecclesiastes:s 6:9
After all our recent talk about a car, a house someday, and new jobs, JP and I are using this verse to be thankful for the big and little we have now. We cannot see what God's plan or purpose is in the future, but we know God's plan for NOW!
May 3, 2009
keep it up
May 1, 2009
Would you Rather?
be able to stop time while you slept, or
never need to do laundry?
Would you rather
hit every red light for the rest of your life, or
always be wrong?
Would You Rather... Live forever as a
13-year-old or…
April 28, 2009
I wish I could force the mirror to agree!
April 22, 2009
Treasures in Heaven
"Miss California is a Christian and was quoted as saying that she "is glad she was able to step out in faith, to be examined for what she believes." Although she didn't get the Miss USA crown, she will always have a crown in heaven, worth more than any pageant award. She said in an interview with Matt Lauer: it's not about being politically correct. For me it was being biblically correct."
On another note...Perez Hilton's Interview drove me nuts! He said she gave the worst answer in pageant history and would have walked up an torn the crown right off her head had she won.........who's intolerant now? Ask an open-ended opinion question, and someone will give you their opinion.
April 20, 2009
Flash Forward
"Be faithful in the small and God will be faithful in the big."
Dear Lord,
I thank you for your provision....AHEAD of TIME, because you are God that doesn't operate by our clock and sundial.
April 14, 2009
Momma I'm a Big Girl Now
1. I became the chaperone on my brother's first ride upon Dumbo's back in Disney World (I was10!- quite embarrassing)
2. After church one Easter, my sisters brought to my mother's attention that it was time I begin using an encouraging form of protection against underarm sweat
3. The day my monthly friend came to town for the first time....I knew "it must be a big deal" when my mom began calling the entire female clan of our extended family
4. When in fifth grade I was given my first razor to attack the Italian hair growing on my legs!
5. When I was able keep a food log on our refrigerator (I was 10) (a day's log once included the following: chips, 2 McDonald's cheeseburgers for Hot Lunch at school, and ice cream sandwich, a bologna sandwich....need I finish?)
6. The day I had to move MYSELF into my dorm room....I knew I was past the college newbie phase that freshman and sophomore year brought.
7. When my parents gave their approval to a handsome boy who brought over roses and asked me to homecoming
8. The day I was allowed to buy my first formal dance dress (freshman year). (of course straps were added to the strapless attire- and a flannel was donated by my father)
9 I had my own phone hooked up in my room (it was not my own phone line, but I'll never forget that Clueless phone with voice changer....which I used for much pranking. I remember calling Grandma Bea and telling her, in a man's voice, we had her mail hostage.)
10. The days following saying "I DO," when I received my first loan repayment bill and had to find my own means of insurance!
What moments in your life made you feel all grown up?
April 12, 2009
It is obviously not about candy, baskets....or even family!
Worthy is the Lamb Who was slain
Holy, holy is He
Sing a new song to Him Who sits on Heaven's mercy seat
Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty
Who was and is and is to come
With all creation I sing praise to the King of kings
You are my everything, and I will adore You
Clothed in rainbows of living color
Flashes of lightning, rolls of thunder
Blessing and honor, strength and glory and power be
To You, the only wise King
Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty
Who was and is and is to come
With all creation I sing praise to the King of kings
You are my everything, and I will adore You
Filled with wonder, awestruck wonder
At the mention of Your Name
Jesus, Your Name is power, breath and living water, such a marvelous mys- tery
Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty
Who was and is and is to come
With all creation I sing praise to the King of kings
You are my everything, and I will adore You
March 23, 2009
Fresh & Clean

They were right. The prep was the worst part! The 2 liters I had to drink, seemed like a bottomless well of liquid lysol....lemony fresh isn't so great when you have to DRINK IT! But with the help of Welch's and a stopwatch, my husband helped me get through the liquid mess. The many trips to the toilet were less than pleasant, and more frequent than the number of times one showers in a week!
The drama was over and we walked into the hospital ready for action! I was all prepped, and must add that I did not pass out from the IV needle! It was also comforting how gentle the nurses were with me. They said it was fresh to have an inexperienced colonoscopy patient, and one under the average age of 70. Little did I know that I would have to have an endoscopy as well. In other words I'd have tubes put down both ends...I just prayed I remained "out of it!"
I woke up, finished, clean, and with my smiling hubby video taping my recovery with a giggle. He brought me home, put me in bed and later took phone calls and when I was conscious again, repeated to me what the doctor had said while I was asleep.
Everything turned out fine. We are just waiting on some final results. God is good. He is ultimately the Great Physician and is amazing for having created SEDATIVES!
March 15, 2009

So it would seem that I have been abandoned for the weekend. My entire family, including my husband, is out of town for the weekend. It has been quite interesting, and it began as anything but relaxing. I tried to stay in the house by myself, but as soon as the sun set, I became anxious and could not sleep! I knew I couldn't do this for 2 more nights so I spent one night at my mother-in-laws and the other at my sister's....they were so sweet to take in this homeless and wimp of a woman. I don't regret being a wimp. I simply enjoy company, and really miss my husband! Marriage isn't always cuddling on the couch with every free moment, but just having him in the same house with me, makes me feel comfortable and happy. I love him so very much.
Thanks to the often scrutinized family dog, I felt protected when I was home alone. I also took the time to pamper myself....some of which was unfortunately damage to my debit card. Painting my nails, watching hours of whatever it was I wanted to watch (without having to share the remote), an amazing bubble bath, two days worth of shopping sprees, and a calming tanning session, and a calorie filled McDonald's iced coffee, gave me a few moments of uninterrupted, selfish, solace.
Despite the brief times of fear, the sleepless night, and the occasional feelings of being orphan Annie, I am proud of myself for holding down the fort! (until dad finds the electric bill for the two nights I left the lights and television on)
Now off to reality....laundry, lesson plans, and lean cooking.
March 8, 2009
They found out
That's right. My dad found the many bins of clothes I had hidden away in their boiler room under the stairs. Just when I thought I had found the perfect place for those things I didn't have a place for, they gone and done it. Vern made a pile of all my bins and I heard the words I dread....consolidate. This may take a few weeks, but I'm up for the task and know it's necessary. According to JP I have slowly crept over into his part of the closet and now consumer 3/4 of its space. I realize it's time for some spring cleaning when I find that three of my drawers contain workout clothes, tshirts, and pajama pants alone. I always tell myself, "I can't get rid of this. I know I'll wear it sometime." Well for many of these articles, that sometime hasn't come in a long time. And that bin full of purses along hasn't been cracked open in nearly a year. Goodwill, here I come!
March 3, 2009
You did what?
1. Why did Jason have to dump Melissa on television?
2. Go Melissa! For her to bring to light what an engagement means. She isn't some girl he has been "hanging out with" for a few weeks. If he has a problem, he should talk to her like a normal couple.
3. Molly, you make me sad. You are the typical girl who takes a leap for the guy who pushed you!
4. ABC, I am convinced you scripted these events! So you got what you wanted for this season....interested viewers. As for next season: you may have lost your popularity.
5. Jason those tears are not going to win over any empathy. And if they are indeed real....MAN UP!
I know I just placed myself within that stereotypical "reality" tv junkie, however, when there is a possibility of playing with someone's actual emotions, for a rating....then you have opened up a can of worms!!!!!
AHhhhhhhhhhhhh....that feels better!
March 1, 2009

I was always curious what the in-law situation would be when I got married. Would it be bliss? Or would it be Debra Barone chaos? A few days before we got married I went to have a massage to ease the wedding stress. My masseuse spent the entire hour complaining about her mother-in-law. Not only was it anything but relaxing, but it also made me feel lucky, spoiled, and sorry for that unhappy woman.
I have been blessed with a wonderful mother-in-law. I believe that having 6 years to get to know my future in-laws before I walked down the aisle, gave me comfort within their family and made me fall in love with those who had fallen in love with me, considering me her own daughter. Nancy, whose name took me a while to get used to (replacing the 6 year habit of calling her "Mrs. Howard"), has been supportive, helpful, generous, and loving towards me. I feel like her own daughter and am thankful that while others may complain about their distant in-law situations, I am blessed to feel comfortable and constantly loved by my mother-in-law. She is quite a person! She is a mother, homemaker, strength for her entire family, and constantly busily helping anyone and everyone she can reach, with arms wide open for the next!
February 26, 2009
Bring the rain
Bring me joy, bring me peace
Bring the chance to be free
Bring me anything that brings You glory
And I know there'll be days
When this life brings me pain
But if that's what it takes to praise You
Jesus, bring the rain
I am Yours regardless of
The dark clouds that may loom above
Because You are much greater than my pain
You who made a way for me
By suffering Your destiny
So tell me what's a little rain
So I pray
The portion about "if that's what it takes to praise You, Jesus bring the rain..." struck me!
It has been weeks since JP and I have been able to sit and read the word together. We usually simply have time for a quick couples devotion before bed. It wasn't until all the chaos was stirred up into a thick cloud, that we were able to spend time in the word together. And within that, found strength amidst the rain.
Thank you Jesus for the rain...for the reminder that we cannot do anything without you...for a reminder to turn to the chief of all nature and creation to either cease or guide us through the torrential downpours we meet in life.
February 22, 2009
Hair Dare
If it's long I wanna do something like one of these first two styles.

If I decide to cut it short, I would do something like this

February 19, 2009
Call the Doctor
I cannot be sick, again!
February 16, 2009
Love is in the air

I had an amazing Valentine's Day with my husband! Although this is the first as a married couple, it is our 7th time celebrating this holiday together! This meant it would take a lot of thought to top anything done in the past. I took JP out for breakfast and got him a massage. He loved it but what bothered me is that the masseuse he had was the same woman I had right before the wedding. She talked the whole time! JP said she talked about how she doesn't believe in celebrating Valentine's Day and how she is really stressed out. That's exactly what I would want to hear if I were getting a massage to relax and as a Valentine's present. I was so ticked. I didn't tip her well. I have every right mind to call and complain. Maybe, I'll pull a Rosie and get us some free massages!!!!
JP took me to Carlucci. It is a fantastic Italian restaurant! So worth it too. For an appetizer, two salads, two entrees, and a dessert, we only spent $50! Then he gave me a card and in it is said that he was taking me to Embassy Suites so I can relax away from home!

As we drove towards the hotel I quickly realized he meant the one near O'Hare, where we had spent our wedding night. What a sweet thought! I loved it! All in was a phenomenal Valentine's Day. Downside is....he has to try and top that next year. Good luck, baby!

February 12, 2009
Sick in bed
1. my pajamas
2. sleep
3. relaxing with daytime tv
4. my husband coming home to make me feel better
5. crackers and sprite (which my mom brought me)
6. no responsibilities, no children fighting over who breathed on who, and the absolute silence of a quiet house!
February 7, 2009
Updo upchuck
You can thank me later for saving you from committing social suicide by cruising around with one of these no-no updos.
Join me in asking the obvious question: "What are you thinking?!"
February 3, 2009

I have decided it is about that time to face the pointed metal object associated with pain. I happen to be one of those people that doesn't consider my doctor my best friend, and visit her frequently, rather I attempt to get over any flu, broke bone, or pain, without medication. But my complaints have become louder and my stomach has gotten more annoyed so I believe it's about time for my wallet to open wide and say, "ahhhhhh."
February 1, 2009
Touch This Tap That
Needless to say, I will spare my students to embarrassment of counting using fingers and touch points, and open their eyes to a more speedy form of math...memorization.
January 29, 2009
Abandon Ship
Since it is 2009, here are 9 things I haven't stuck to:
1. drinking 2 full water bottles a day
excuse: refilling with nasty tasting water at school, bathroom breaks are minimal
2. not eating the skittles meant for student rewards
excuse: um....yum! "I bought them and I'm the teacher"
3. going to bed early
excuse: ya right
4. legally changing my name
excuse: how long will this take?
5. not having sweets every night
excuse: its a diet ice cream bar!
6. patience at work
excuse: try hearing this all day: "She's breathing on me!" (literally)
7. more extracurricular reading
excuse: "Doesn't a cookbook count?"
8. get more creative with low fat cooking
excuse: _____________________ (wish I had one)
9. write a blog everyday
excuse: life
January 25, 2009

I can't believe it has been 6 months already since I walked down the alter and met the love of my life in Holy Matrimony. There has been uncertainty with money, jobs and struggles with family and career futures, but I have soaked up with joy every moment JP and I have together. Someone recently asked me how it was to get used to living with JP and I really couldn't answer with details and description. It's just like living with your best friend. You get used to schedules, toothbrush placement, and sharing the load. I am excited for the rest of my life and to see what happens in the next 6 months! Marriage and life is nothing short of exciting. Now all that's left is for me to finally and legally change my last name!
Happy Anniversary, Love!
January 22, 2009
Crazy how the world is moving so fast, and what an affect it has on education!
January 16, 2009
Seaching for chuckles
It's moments like these when I learn to find reasons to snicker and ways to giggle despite the madness that may surround the learning environment.
January 6, 2009
Home sweet home
We had wonderful weather and stopped in Puerto Rica (Old San Juan), St. Kitts, and St. Maarten. After adjusting to the rocking feeling and receiving my sea legs (with the help of a little pill called Boanine), I enjoyed the trip. Here a few pictures of our grand voyage!